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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Journal #3 NETS 1, 2, 3 and 5

Journal #3  Using Podcasts to develop a Global Perspective

Maguth, M., & Elliot, J. (2010,, February,). Using Podcasts to develop a global perspective. Learning and Leading with Technology, 5, Retrieved from

A school in Columbus Ohio that specializes in science, technology and math introduced the use of Podcasts to students in hopes of educating them on global topics by way of expanding their media production knowledge. They were assigned the execution of in depth topics regarding worldwide cultures and diverse perspectives. Students were trained to research particular subjects and organize a debate that depicted actual discussions and opinions from certified experts.

Students took on the challenge of learning Podcast software and investigated what they would need to know to create a believable debate. They planned, researched and learned to edit a broadcast that they developed to imitate an actual debate that took place on a global perspective. They planned to create effective scripts and recorded debates. They wanted to impress their peers and professors while staying true to the facts so they approached the material in a professional manner. They planned to connect to a global market as they would eventually share their valuable unbiased information on their school web page for all to see. They began informing themselves of different opinions and sought out expertise data that they could understand and learn from. They learned two important things from this project; one was how to tap into topics of global concern and view perspectives from different angles.

The use of Podcasts was an illuminating experience because it allowed the use of broadcasting information in an easy to learn format. They were able to gain knowledge that they could use in their futures as a professional and taught them respect of information and issues abounding throughout the world. Through this experience they grew intellectually along with academically and as they kept an open attitude to varied viewpoints they also learned to expand their own viewpoints.

Question #1: How did they investigate the use of Podcasts? In today’s technologically advanced society, even kids know about the latest hardware for their ipods and video games. It was also picked up and advertised by the Mac industry so all the computer geeks hopped on it like bees on honeycomb.

Question #2: Why did the students choose this particular group of professionals to portray their debate over? They chose this group because they signified a well rounded and expertise group discussing global issues that are hot topics in today’s culture. They wanted a panel to represent different subjects and that would be well versed. The students learned much more from these experts than 

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