Lindsay, J., & Davis, V. ( 2010). Navigate the digital rapids. L&L—Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from
This article is about the importance of utilizing technology in the classroom and how important it is for educators to step up to the plate with learning the use of technology so that they can teach it properly to their students. There are also many good sources to help teachers monitor its use in the classroom. Teaching online social interactions and social ethics outside of the classroom is why it is vital for young learners to have instruction of proper internet ethics.
Teachers can keep up with the times with Digiteachers. This program incorporates art and learning and helps make internet teaching more creative and fun for the students. With the use of Web 2.0 tools like Wikis, Nings, and Blogging platforms, teachers also can get connected to their students through a mutually pleasing and enjoyable outlet. By sharing in an enjoyable interaction with students involving education, it allows a new freshness to the classroom environment for both teacher and student. This enjoyment allows the teacher student dynamics to go beyond the learning specifics and expand in to a friendship and trusting relationship. By gaining the trust of the students, teachers are opening the door to more advanced communication and greater learning.
Flat Classroom projects is an educational network made up of a professional group that aides in maintaining an assisted monitoring environment. Teachers need to monitor all online networking to make sure it is safe and appropriate for their students and they also need a way of finding out what students are doing online. Flat Classroom was started by Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis for the purpose of educating students in high school and exposing them to a global world of education. The term, flat classroom is representative of a computer screen in which education can be shared in the classroom. RSS feeds also specializes in monitoring questionable photos and keeps track of students visiting inappropriate sites
It is important to teach students how to use the internet as a safety precaution and not take for granted that they know the proper way to use it with out getting into trouble. Children as young as five are now being taught how to use digital software and educating them even in kindergarten is a great time to begin lessons on internet safely.
Question #1 Are there educational classes for the teachers to help them learn the software and teach their students? Answer: Yes, we offer online courses that can be learned in the privacy of your home and we offer interactive communication with questions and answers in an open forum.
Question #2 Has there ever been a problem with students or teachers refusing to learn technology? Answer: there are a few schools that still do not tap into the world of technology to further the education of the students but very few and they are in small towns in the country. Once a school decides to adhere to the standards of technology all the staff and student body must also agree to the policies.
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