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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Journal #4 NETS 1, 2, 3 and 5

Bull, G., (2010, February,). Finding students who learn with media. Learning and Leading with Technology, 5, Retrieved from

With today’s era in technology, most kids are already exposed to the internet either through the school, at home or a friend’s. Many of them have technological devices from iPods, iPhones, video games on an Xboxs, Playstations, PSPs or some other computer based video game system. Numerous kids are more technologically advanced then their parents and therefore pick up on new skills very quickly. Education is trying to keen in on this phenomenon by combining academics and technology.

Some educators are introducing Primary Access MovieMaker to students in hopes of advancing their creativity while expanding scholastic knowledge. Primary Access MovieMaker allows students to ad text and images with an audio narration in developing short films. They lean to edit and develop story lines with facts in history, geography and other subject matter. Educators realize that kids love to be creative and using their imagination stimulates the enthusiasm for learning. By assigning the task of developing a film that addresses curriculum, the students are more cognitive and enthusiastic in reviewing content. Their attention is stimulated consequently their retention of educational data is as well. Primary Access MovieMaker was developed to eliminate standard digital video editors.

Learning the functions of standard equipment and the time associated in producing short films takes time away from actual learning standardized curriculum. Primary Access MovieMaker is simple to use and combined with Primary Access Storyboard, students can create a visual historical narrative in one class period. These online tools can also allow the teacher to monitor the progress of the students while they are creating and make assessments without interruption. Students who have used this system of leaning have proven to excel in their knowledge and retention and educators are trying to incorporate online environments in the regular classroom.

Question 1# Is it expensive to purchase the software to install Primary Access MovieMaker or Storyboard on the school’s computers? Answer: The initial expense is minimal and considering that it can be used over and over for many years averages out to pennies compared to the benefits achieved through the use of it. Unlike books, software does not wear out.

Question 2# If it is so good why don’t more schools offer this program?
Answer: This is a relatively new program and it is on the rise. We hope to get it into schools nationwide by the year 2012. sometimes new ideas in education are prevented due to high demand to meet required curriculums. Creativity has been put on the back burner but we feel our technology can benefit both aspects of education, academic and creativity.

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