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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Journal #2 NETS 1, 2, 3 and 5

Journal #2  Keeping the Peace

Levinson, M. (2010,, November, 7,). Keeping the peace. Learning and Leading with Technology, 5, Retrieved from

Teachers and faculty try to stay in touch with society’s movements so that they can relay important events with their students and keep them abreast of current events. The problem is though that sometimes sharing new ideas that have not yet been tried can backfire as in the case of Nueva Middle School. Faculty assumed it would be a good idea to let students take laptops home to explore iChat with peers in hopes of encouraging communication and expanding new concepts but little did they know not all the parents would have the same positive perspective and were about to embark on lessons to be learned.

Nueva School was attempting to bridge the gap between stereo typical concepts teenagers portray of technology use for the sole purpose of entertainment and enlighten them to the benefits that technology offers in gathering information. They loaned students laptops to take home to aid in expand their learning capabilities but some parents felt invaded. They encountered problems with the laptops in school because students soon began to use iChat inappropriately and interrupted class time.

Some parents felt totally against the idea that the school would expose their children to the world of communication without their consent and believed it was a distraction. They felt the school had crossed the line from education in the classroom to personal family time at home and created uproar of protest. Other parents felt strongly in favor of the laptops. They had children that weren’t popular or shy and saw this as an opportunity for their children to get to know other students without feelings of insecurity breaking the barriers of established cliques. They believed it was a great experience for their children to also learn more technological methods that they couldn’t offer and expand their knowledge towards a global viewpoint.

This controversy led the school to advance their concepts which incorporated committees to create workshops for the parents and students and seek out professional help through an organization called Common Sense Media. The parents felt involved and became more knowledgeable and the students learned to curtail improper use and benefit from training in technology. The students learned how to benefit the community with the use of technology. This please the faculty because their goal was that the students would benefit from the value technology had to offer. The final outcome was that the faculty learned a valuable lesson. They realized in order to have any new concept accepted teachers, parents and kids all have to be on the same page and the goal is to better the community.

Question #1: One question I would like to ask is why didn’t the school first send home permission slips before allowing the students to partake in the lap top use especially at home? Answer: The goal in this exercise was initiated to develop independence in the judgment of each student. The process of using the hand held computers was assigned as an introduction to an honor system of accountability. The students were asked if they felt they could handle them professionally and treat with respect. They also were asked if they felt their families would appreciate the idea but unfortunately they were unaware of the outcome and didn’t have the skill they needed to respect them.
Question #2: Do I think it is a good idea to loan hand held computers to junior high students? I don’t think it is a good idea. I am surprised that there was a non profit group that was available to help them out and work with the parents as well. I only see this possibly working if the school is private or the public school is in a wealthy neighborhood that can afford to purchase these for their kids. I do think using technology is vital for young adults and children to expose them to educational material but I think their should be a block on adult websites.

Journal #3 NETS 1, 2, 3 and 5

Journal #3  Using Podcasts to develop a Global Perspective

Maguth, M., & Elliot, J. (2010,, February,). Using Podcasts to develop a global perspective. Learning and Leading with Technology, 5, Retrieved from

A school in Columbus Ohio that specializes in science, technology and math introduced the use of Podcasts to students in hopes of educating them on global topics by way of expanding their media production knowledge. They were assigned the execution of in depth topics regarding worldwide cultures and diverse perspectives. Students were trained to research particular subjects and organize a debate that depicted actual discussions and opinions from certified experts.

Students took on the challenge of learning Podcast software and investigated what they would need to know to create a believable debate. They planned, researched and learned to edit a broadcast that they developed to imitate an actual debate that took place on a global perspective. They planned to create effective scripts and recorded debates. They wanted to impress their peers and professors while staying true to the facts so they approached the material in a professional manner. They planned to connect to a global market as they would eventually share their valuable unbiased information on their school web page for all to see. They began informing themselves of different opinions and sought out expertise data that they could understand and learn from. They learned two important things from this project; one was how to tap into topics of global concern and view perspectives from different angles.

The use of Podcasts was an illuminating experience because it allowed the use of broadcasting information in an easy to learn format. They were able to gain knowledge that they could use in their futures as a professional and taught them respect of information and issues abounding throughout the world. Through this experience they grew intellectually along with academically and as they kept an open attitude to varied viewpoints they also learned to expand their own viewpoints.

Question #1: How did they investigate the use of Podcasts? In today’s technologically advanced society, even kids know about the latest hardware for their ipods and video games. It was also picked up and advertised by the Mac industry so all the computer geeks hopped on it like bees on honeycomb.

Question #2: Why did the students choose this particular group of professionals to portray their debate over? They chose this group because they signified a well rounded and expertise group discussing global issues that are hot topics in today’s culture. They wanted a panel to represent different subjects and that would be well versed. The students learned much more from these experts than 

Carol Ann's Newsletter NETS 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

I think creating a newsletter for a classroom fulfills all of the NETS required standards because in it teachers are communicating vital information about what is going on in school and with the students to their parents on a regular basis.

Newsletter Me Use

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Intro letter

Hi bloggers, my name is Carol Ann and I was born in this beautiful state of California! I love this state and get irritated when people knock it since most of the time they are from some place else. Anyway, I grew up by the beach in Hermosa, Newport and Huntington so you can say I was a beach girl. I went to three high schools and after graduation attended Cosmetology school in Oceanside to become a hair stylist. After I got pregnant and couldn’t reach my clients in my 8th month I had to quit and never went back to hair again. When I first went to college after my third child, I was still in my twenties and went to Palomar studying Interior Design. I worked in that field for 7 years and furniture sales. It was a real bummer to have to work weekends!! I then went back to school again and got an AA degree in Electronic Publishing, which was super fun since I am creative. I worked in that field for 5 years and was laid off. I tried to do independent contract graphics work but the work was not steady so I went to school once again. These events brought me to where I am now pursuing a career in teaching. I just hope I get a job right away and can then continue working towards my Masters degree and make some descent money for the first time in my life. I need a new car really bad and I desperately need to fix up my house.

My experience in technology is limited to my graphics work with Adobe. I learned briefly how to compose a web site using Dreamweaver but would like to further my experience. I am relatively good with Adobe software but have never gained Microsoft expertise. I used a Mac in school 12 years ago while attaining my certification in Electronic Publishing and still own my dinosaur Mac but now use a PC exclusively. I am not using Microsoft Office 07 yet so my Word documents and knowledge extend to the 04 series. I have no knowledge in spreadsheets and am still using XP system on my PC. 

The last paragraph of the Mission Statement speaks to me about the focus and dedication that CSUSM has to commitment of student-centered education. They practice and demonstrate diversity, collaboration, professionalism and governance which informs me that I will be receiving the best education for achieving a well rounded and professional career in teaching. I chose Cal State because it is close to my house and has such a good reputation in the field of Education. Another reason was because most of the students at Mira Costa in the Liberal Arts program were going to Cal State and informed me of its qualities.